Love Grows Here: We Support #BlackLivesMatter
At Overnight Flowers, we serve people of all backgrounds and believe in unity and equality. During times of social injustice, it’s easy to take neutral ground and say nothing. As a company, it’s also easy for us to send a marketing message about how flowers can bring happiness and healing, but we need more than a message about flowers today.
Today, the conversation needs to be about equality, justice, integrity, and communication. For far too long, we have had a racial divide that is in complete contrast to our national mission of equality. This divide has led to injustice, death and destruction in our country. While some feel that progress has been made to close the divide, we ask those people to speak with someone in a minority group to understand if they feel the same way. We’ve asked and listened to what our employees and communities have to say, and from these conversations, we understand that there is more to be done.
Collectively, we can all do our part. We are using our platform to lead by example and support the communities that have been suppressed in a civil manner. Overnight Flowers is donating to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Campaign Zero. We are also preparing to volunteer to rebuild local communities. You can follow our lead by speaking with your neighbors, elected officials, religious officials and corporate officers to ask them to prioritize social change. You can also vote, donate to social justice organizations, and help rebuild destroyed communities. Be confident and speak up in your community for those who may feel silenced, and use your skills and talents to be a positive advocate for change.
Just like flowers, people come in different colors and from different places, and we love them all. At Overnight Flowers, love grows here.